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Since the world series is once again ruining my Sunday night, I decided to watch Van Helsing. It was on Encore Action! a while back, and I DVRed it, since I never saw it in the theater, a fact which I am now glad of. It's not that it was a bad movie, though I guess basically it was, it's more that I'm happy I didn't have to pay for it, at least not directly.
What makes a monster movie better? More monsters. All of them. Yeah! Dracula, vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein's monster, Dr. Jekyll. What better way to utilize an already bloated special effects budget on rather poor effects! Whatever. A while back (almost 2 years ago in fact), Emily and I watched a Dracula movie where they proposed that Dracula was in fact Judas Iscariot. Frankly, I liked Brahm Stoker's genesis story better, and it was substantially more believeable. But in this version, it seems to me like they were trying to portray Van Helsing as the angel Gabriel, which seems backwards until you remember that so many movie producers are Jewish. If I recall correctly, in the Jewish faith, Gabriel is regarded as the angel of judgement and Michael is the angel of mercy, whereas in Christianity, it is the reverse. I suppose because of the events in the New Testament. In any case, they never fully explain this in the movie, but just sort of gesture wildly at the idea the way a monkey might try to explain the concept of a banana to a fruitless tree as a method to explain his nightmares and vague memories of things centuries in the past. *shrug* Oh well. It beat watching two teams I don't care about in the world series at least. But I'm troubled by the amalgamation of classic monster movies, making Frankenstein's monster the catalyst to Dracula's plans that can only be stopped by an angle cursed with lycanthropy. In the words of John Bavier, recockulus.
As an aside though, has anyone else noticed that Frankenstein's monster is without a doubt the inspiration for the Marvel's Hank McCoy? I can't believe I never noticed it before. Especially after watching DeNiro's version of the cobbled-together human martyr himself for his beloved creator. It seems so obvious. Has Stan Lee ever been interviewed about this? Ben, I'm looking at you on this one.

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  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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