« Home | How is it that rockstars always manage to make the... » | I meant to post this over the weekend, but I've be... » | In the immortal words of one Mr. Murtaugh, I'm get... » | The Week 1 Chaos Rankings are now available. Plea... » | I've exceeded the bandwidth of my free website aga... » | It's been a whirlwind weekend. After some (non-we... » | Well, I'm off to the airport to head down to Atlan... » | Pop-pop passed away quietly this morning while Tom... » | We decided tonight that Grandma is a force of natu... » | You can read into this whatever you want, I just t... »

My "long overdue" (according to my managers) promotion, which has been pending for 2 full months, came through this week and took effect on Monday. This is about 7 weeks later than everyone was hoping, but without going on a big corporation rant, I can't really explain why it took so long (much less why it was originally rejected 8 months ago). So I'm going to hold my tongue this time and just be happy with tacking on "senior" to my job title and a sizeable chunk of change to my paycheck. Now I need new business cards! =)

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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