I had a pretty good birthday over the weekend. Emily treated me to dinner at Potbelly on Friday night and then we saw the cutest baby chinchilla at the petstore. Emily tried to convince me that he would be a good birthday present, but he's a he, and the others are all she's, and I'm not interested in starting up a breeding operation. I do hope he goes to a good home at least. We also swung by Best Buy in search of new video games, but they didn't have much in stock. I don't like their new store layout where they put all the popular games in lock boxes at the front of the store; it makes me not want to buy them. So I didn't get Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Okami, or No More Heroes like I wanted. But I did get Metroid 3: Corruption, which I have thoroughly enjoyed so far. The aiming is taking a little getting used to, and the auto aim doesn't do what I feel like it should, but everything else about it is pretty sweet.
Saturday (after watching Kimi Raikkonen easily win the F1 Grand Prix of Spain and playing Metroid), we went over to my parents' for a slightly rainy BBQ. The food was good though even if we couldn't sit outside. And it was nice to see Kristin and Rich and Caryn. We haven't seen them in a long time, so it was nice to catch up. Kristin and Rich left early to head to the Nats game, and I'm anxious to hear how they like the new stadium since I refuse to set foot in RFK anymore.
You know you're getting old when you can't blow out the candles on your own birthday cake anymore. And I think there were only like 8-10 candles on it too. They were really far apart, but still. And when everyone asks to see your new glasses at your birthday party. And when you spend 30 minutes at dinner talking about your medical problems. *sigh* On the other hand, I did get a video game character cake and did spend several hours playing Metroid on Saturday and I did get Legos, a Frisbee, and a kite as birthday presents, so I can't be all that old yet! ;)
Saturday (after watching Kimi Raikkonen easily win the F1 Grand Prix of Spain and playing Metroid), we went over to my parents' for a slightly rainy BBQ. The food was good though even if we couldn't sit outside. And it was nice to see Kristin and Rich and Caryn. We haven't seen them in a long time, so it was nice to catch up. Kristin and Rich left early to head to the Nats game, and I'm anxious to hear how they like the new stadium since I refuse to set foot in RFK anymore.
You know you're getting old when you can't blow out the candles on your own birthday cake anymore. And I think there were only like 8-10 candles on it too. They were really far apart, but still. And when everyone asks to see your new glasses at your birthday party. And when you spend 30 minutes at dinner talking about your medical problems. *sigh* On the other hand, I did get a video game character cake and did spend several hours playing Metroid on Saturday and I did get Legos, a Frisbee, and a kite as birthday presents, so I can't be all that old yet! ;)