Yeah, that's going to take a little getting used to... Over the past few months I've noticed that reading certain things has become more difficult. Not that I can't see, and I have no problem actually focusing on things in front of me, but it just seems like it's requiring more effort than it should, and when I close my eyes for a minute and reopen them once they've relaxed, everything is a bit fuzzy. So I went to go see an eye doctor yesterday, who told me what I figured was inevitable: I need reading glasses. Of course, the fact that I spent nearly all my day in front of a computer kind of makes them de facto all-the-time glasses. In any case, this is what I will be looking like in a couple weeks when they're done, though hopefully not so pixelly.
Frankly, given my bad habits of reading Stephen King under the covers with a flashlight when I was 13, sitting in front of a computer staring at code and spreadsheets all day for the last 4 years, it's kind of amazing I've made it 27 years without needing corrective lenses. In fact, what's really causing the problem isn't even so much my eyesight getting terribly bad, but rather developing some mild astigmatism. *shrug* When nearly everyone else I know wears glasses or contacts and has for years, it's going to be a bit of an adjustment for me, but I had accepted this as inevitable a few years ago anyway.