Hooray!!! At long last, the photographer's official proofs are posted online! Go! Look! Some of the "goofy" poses we did had me absolutely cracking up this morning.
Edit: So, apparently the id for the album changed after I posted this, which is why you're seeing PHP errors. I've changed the link to match what it is currently. If it stops working again, go to T.G. Martin's website, skip past the flash intro, click on Online Previews, and then find "Taylor - Bever FORSYTH PARK" on the list.
Edit: So, apparently the id for the album changed after I posted this, which is why you're seeing PHP errors. I've changed the link to match what it is currently. If it stops working again, go to T.G. Martin's website, skip past the flash intro, click on Online Previews, and then find "Taylor - Bever FORSYTH PARK" on the list.