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On my "day off" last week, I had a 2-hour telecon at 9:30. At least I was able to attend in my pajamas and look at the slides on my home computer, so it certinaly could have been a lot more disruptive to my off time. After my meeting, I went over to ahve lunch with my mom and assemble the new grill we got my dad for Father's Day. Unfortunately, Home Depot's delivery company of choice employs dyslexics who delivered a set of 6 weatherproof patio chairs instead of a grill, so there was really nothing to assemble. Instead, I cleaned up the apartment and played Oblivion for a while. I'm really into that game again now that I reinstalled my computer from scratch and everyhting runs smoothly again. I was having issues with Oblivion before where whenever something would start attacking you, the game would freeze up for 30 seconds, it wasn't unplayable that way, but it was really annoying.
Saturday I mostly just played Oblivion all day long. That evening Emily and I went to a birthday party at the WCC in Georgetown. Parties aren't really my thing, especially those involving drinking games, but I had a good time talking to the few sober people there. Sunday we went back to the WCC to go kayaking with Priya and birthday-boy Derek. The plan was to take 2-man kayaks down to the airport, have a picnic, and then head back upriver. I had a rough idea of how far away the airport is from the key bridge, but I wasn't sure exactly where we were going relative to the airport or exactly how much I suck at kayaking. I also feel that it's pertinent to mention that Derek is a coach there, so not only is he a vastly better paddler than the rest of us, but he also (supposedly) knows the river well and could be counted on to tell us how much farther we were going. Lies. "Just" past the 14th street bridge apparently means "another 1.5k" past said landmark. Into a strong headwind. Emily and I were paddlign as hard as we could, which means we were changing directions more frequently than most politicians, and for a while, we we actually not making any forward progress whatsoever. Anyway, I estimate that it was about about a 7-mile round trip, but since Emily and I could not make our boat continue on a straight course no matter what we tried, I think we may have personally travelled more like 8 miles. It was nice along the river though, and you get a much different view of the city than you ever do driving over bridges or along the riverside parkways. It was a different activity and a nice day to be outside, but since I can no longer lift my arms, bend my elbows, or grip things with my hands, I'm not sure it's something I will ever be doing again.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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