I think we've had one day of spring so far. Otherwise we jumped straight into summer. The day I played in our golf tournament was pretty springy. Other than that it's been hot and humid and violent thunderstorms or cool and dry. No "april showers" or slowly increasing temperatures. Oh well. Storms interrupted my first big presentation as Technical Lead on my last bullet point of my last slide (so much for my backup slides!) a couple days ago. After having power at home through the worst of the storms the last couple days, the power finally went out yesterday evening after a full day of sun. Go figure. But it was only out for a couple hours and it didn't get too hot inside. The cable on the other hand has been out since mid-day Wednesday. I know internet, tv, and phone aren't exactly essential when compared to electricity, but some of us are more addicted than others... I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to read my NSFW comics when I only have internet at work? It's been at least 40 hours now, and if it's not on when I get home today, I'm going to be super pissed.