More small-step-in-the-right-direction good news: South Carolina legalized tattoo parlors again, though they still stuck to their bible belt guns on a couple issues. It is illegal to get a tattoo if you're under 18, regardless of getting your parents permission. You have to be 21 before you can wander into a parlor all by yourself. Between 18 and 21, you can get one, but only under parental supervision. How ridiculous is that? "Well congrats son, you're 18 now. I'm shipping you off to Iraq to get shot at. Here's some cigarettes, a couple pornos, and a voter registration card." "Can I get a tattoo before I leave?" "Hell no." Also, it is ilegal under the new law to operate any other business out of a tattoo parlor, like a piercing studio. The logic for this makes no sense to me. But congrats to all the 21 year olds in South Carolina who can now legally get a tattoo where they live instead of driving to Georgia. South Carolina is one stupid backwards state...and proud of it!