To make matters worse today, they already filled the Panasonic job I was after. But when I got a call from Motorola's headhunters yesterday, I was pretty stoked anyway. The Motorola job was only a 3 month contract, but I figured it would be a foot in the door that might lead to something more permanent, or at least give me a paycheck while I continued my job hunt. So I adjusted my resume a little bit and returned it to the headhunter who forwarded it to the people at Motorola. So I called her back today to see what the status was and she said she just finds qualified people and submits their resumes to Motorola and then its out of her hands. So I asked who she sent it to so I could call them to follow up, but no no, she's not allowed to give me that info. "Motorola will call you if they think you're the best match for the job," she says. Bullshit. Motorola's HR department is never going to call me. Looking for a job is so damned frustrating, especially for someone who hates using the telephone as much as I do.