Behold my geekiness!

Larger picture available here along with pics of Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party, the needlepoint my mom made me (I know it's slanty, I was trying to get rid of the glare), and the antique Moroccan rug my grandmother gave me for graduation. Mad bonus points to anyone who can name all the characters (proper name or species as appropriate) in the Star Trek puzzle. Hint: The copyright date is 1993.

Larger picture available here along with pics of Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party, the needlepoint my mom made me (I know it's slanty, I was trying to get rid of the glare), and the antique Moroccan rug my grandmother gave me for graduation. Mad bonus points to anyone who can name all the characters (proper name or species as appropriate) in the Star Trek puzzle. Hint: The copyright date is 1993.