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Nothing says "good workout" like being unable to walk down a flight of stairs like a normal human being to the basement afterwards. I'm running about a mile and a half now. Tonight I was feeling pretty good so I sprinted the last quarter. I think that's what really did me in. Everything hurts now, but it's the good kind of hurt. In related news, I stepped on the scale tonight and just about had a heart attack. I thought something was wrong, but I triple-checked the calibration, and it did indeed say that I weigh 169.5 pounds. Now, I have been eating less and sleeping more than any other time in the last 5 years, but being under 170 probably isn't healthy for someone of my height. The good news though is that my body is breaking down some of the fat. I attribute this especially to eating less fast food and fewer snacks (I suspect my calorie intake the last couple weeks had been under 2000 daily) and to running a couple times a week. Now I just need to build up the muscle in its place and get back into a healthy weight zone.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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