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My own impression of tonight's debate was that Kerry came out on top. Not a landslide victory, but he just seemed stronger. Bush sounded like a broken record on more than a few occasions. Kerry failed to answer a few questions, but Bush flat out eluded the "name 3 mistakes" question. That just pissed me off. Just give us 3 mistakes, that aren't abotu the war on terror. Who cares? I want to know that you think you're fallible. And for the love of god, stop bring up Kerry's "wrong place, wrong time" thing, we get it already. That being said, Bush did make a few very good points about Kerry wanting to build a stronger coalition, but then wanting unilateral talks with North Korea. I'm also nervous about Kerry's plan to increase military size since he hasn't explain how he plans to do it. Bush at least said very plainly that there will be no draft. Anyway, overall, Kerry just seemed more on the ball and kept the questions moving forward, and I tend to agree with more of his plans than I do with Bush's. I'm curious what everyone else thought about the debate. I think Bush did a decent job speaking for a change, but in the actual debated topics, I would give the W to Kerry instead.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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