Emily just called, she's on her way up here again. Hooray! I'll refrain from posting about it 10 times today though, maybe. It did however remind me of a dream I had this morning between snooze alarms that was quite bizarre (and I didn't even have garlic last night). Emily was coming up to see me, and I was sitting around a coffee table with my parents and Ben and they were telling me that I needed to do something that was a "spectacular failure" in order to "impress Emily this weekend." I was natually rather confused and asked for some explanation and they said "like the time in Cub Scouts." I had no idea what that meant, and Ben seemed to be in on the secret, but wasn't helping me out any. So again I asked for more clarification and all I got was some story about not lifting a tank once it's loaded, or something to that effect. I dunno. I was thoroughly confused by my dream, fortunately, my alarm clock ended it before it got any weirder.