When did it become December? I suddenly realized it walking over to Dave's for poker (I grossed $50, and after pizza and buy-ins, a $30 net gain) last night because my rent is due today. Did I really graduate from college 7 months ago? That's crazy! I feel like, despite my "good god I'm bored" blog entires ove rthe summer, time has flown by. And here it is, 30.5 days before 2005. It's sort of incredible really. I've been working here at GD for over 4 months now. I've lived in my apartment a week longer than that. I guess it's a good sign that time is chugging right along. It means I'm busy and my life is interesting. Hooray! Also, I'd like it noted for the record that I have a wreath from Merwinds Farm on my front door. =)