The weather is trying to fool me! Yesterday it was in the mid 50s and today it's supposed to be in the mid 60s. Then tomorrow back into the 40s.
"Hey, look, it's spring!"
"Ha ha ha! Not so fast suckers! I tricked you! I'm so evil!"
Stupid weather. At least I was able to open my windows yesterday and get some fresh air while I did a little pre-spring cleaning. There are a couple flowers starting to poke up through the ground now too. I'm ready for it to be spring. By which I mean I'm ready for it to rain every day I guess. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer to wear my hoodies as jackets and eventually my windbreaker.
"Hey, look, it's spring!"
"Ha ha ha! Not so fast suckers! I tricked you! I'm so evil!"
Stupid weather. At least I was able to open my windows yesterday and get some fresh air while I did a little pre-spring cleaning. There are a couple flowers starting to poke up through the ground now too. I'm ready for it to be spring. By which I mean I'm ready for it to rain every day I guess. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer to wear my hoodies as jackets and eventually my windbreaker.