Congrats are in order for Mr. Bezos who has accepted a new job starting in about a month. His desire to be in school forever and pursue two of the most difficult degrees on the planet has proved rather lucrative. He's taking a position at a law firm in downtown DC where his engineering BS and Masters will aid him in his dream of working on patent law. With still about 3 years of school remaining until he earns his jurisdoctorate, it's amazing that he's going to actually be a practicing junior lawyer for this firm. But then, he is basically one of the hardest working, brightest guys I know, and one of the few people whose deeds, no matter how hard I try, I can never surpass, but yet never mind being runner up to. Apparently, he'll be getting paid more, have better benefits, and get the remainder of law school 100% paid for, and he'll be doing exactly what he loves. Who can say no to that? Congratulations Sal!