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Yay for my first paycheck with my raise on it! After taxes it's not really that much, I know, but the increase over two paychecks slightly more than offsets my rent increase, so it means I'll be saving an extra like $20 a month or something. Woo! I can't wait to get a promotion, than we'll see who's who and what's what. I'll outrank Todd, and there should be a nice pay increase on the order of at least 10% based on some preliminary calculations. Moon told me with my raise that I'm currently make about 90% of the average for my job description, which means there's at most 15% growth potential before a promotion. After a promotion, the average will obviously increase, so at the bare minimum they'll have to give me 100% of the previous average. It's a virtually guranteed 10% raise! And I was excited enough about my most recent 4.7% raise. Plus, then I can get all new business cards that say Senior Systems Engineer. This is all probably at least 8 months away of course. I don't really forsee a promotion before the end of the year, whether I deserve one or not (which Moon has hinted that in fact I do) because my project simply doesn't have the money for it this year, but next year we should be rolling in it, so promotion here I come. Certainly by this time next year there's no reason I shouldn't be a Senior Engineer. Take that everyone else!

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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