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It's like looking in a mirror that can see the future! That's me at 60! Except I'll be fatter and balder. And way smarter. And way less Republican, but I repeat myself. ;) And I sure as hell won't be clutching an Apple product. [RANT] They're the polar opposite of open source. The reason IBM crushed them when the PC industry started to take off was IBM clones and third-party hardware development. The only reason they're still around at all was the education concession with Apples for the Student Plus, although the schools finalyl realized that was a waste of money since they were teaching kids to use macs who would never see anythign but an IBM PC in the real world. Stupid Apple... Letting other people develop tools for your platform is what makes your platform more user-friendly and more useful. [/RANT] Sorry for my Apple rant, now back to W. Seriously, it's like a spitting image of how I imagine myself when I get old, except, you know, minus the religious zealotry and dumb accent.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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