So rumors have been going around for the past 3 weeks that Moon (my manager) is leaving the company. About a week ago it was sort of accepted as common knowledge. Of course, Moon never actually told me any of this, but we all suspected something was up with the way things were shaking out. Then on Friday, Moon came up to talk to me and give me a bonus (yay!), but naturally neglected to mention anything about him leaving GD... I basically believe that Moon is a good manager for people who are internally motivated. He only gets involved when HR says he needs to in order to do performance reviews. Otherwise he figures if you need help or have a problem, it's your responsibility to come seek him out, not the other way around. Which for me is basically fine, especially since my project has a technical lead like Dave who is my day-to-day manager in everyone's eyes but HR. So I'll miss having Moon as a manager and we'll see who become my new manager. I mention all this nonsense because I finally got word from Moon himself today that he's leaving on June 17th. My goal for the next week and half is to talk Moon into giving me a promotion before he leaves, or at least leaving a big post-it on my interim performance review that I should be strongly considered for a promotion at the end of the year. I'm just concerned that if I don't assert myself before he leaves, it might take another full year for a new manager to feel comfortable enough with me to think I'm elligible. So, let the persuasiveness begin!