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I've already gotten more done this morning that I feel like I did all of last week... And it's not even lunch time. Normally when I'm this busy time disappears. On the plus side, I'm not at LM, and probably won't have to go out there today. Whee! Tommy and Steph's wedding was fun, and I only totally flubbed up once (this is what happens when you ad-lib). As soon as it came out of my mouth, I knew it sounded wrong and by then it was too late to do anything about it. My apologies to the bride. And even with the killer heat and humidity, I think everyone had a good time, and it was fun to see the Tavenners again (Tabitha is so grown up now!). Dinner was delicious and Steph's cake was excellent (as always). Breakfast teh next morning was mighty tasty as well. We helped shuttle presents back to their house before heading downtown for brickfest. The t-shirts this year were lame, and some of the creations from last year I was hoping to see again were gone. And some were butchered in order to combine them into other things. I did get to see Sean's half-sized Homer in person finally. There was also an Imperial Star Destroyer that must have been about 6 feet long and weighed over 500 pounds (lego gets very heavy very fast). Someone build a replica of a WWII-era Japanese cruiser that was impressively large, but not nearly as detailed as the Star Destroyer. We also saw some cool mechs, a train-to-robot transformer, several really neat scultpures (including a 6 foot tall angel), some cute penguins, and a multi-stage ball contraption. Lots of fun, too many little kids who don't understand "look with your eyes, not your hands" and who kept walking into my shots, but hey, Lego is super fun, so I can't really blame them for being excited. It's always fun to go to these things and see what kind of new and unique ideas other people have come up with or how to use common bricks in uncommon ways to do really cool things. I have to sort through some photos and a couple movies, but then I'll post a link sometime in the next couple days. A great weekend and a good way to close out the summer. Okay, back to work before I get all sad again.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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