My away message tonight:
Poll: How awkward is it going to be meeting up with one of my best friends from high school (also my ex and the girl i had a crush on all through junior high and high school) but haven't spoken to since spring break my freshman year at Tech for coffee tonight?
A) Mildy awkward
B) Quite awkward indeed
C) Extremely awkward
D) Nightmareishly horrendous; what the hell was I thinking when I agreed to this...
E) All of the above at various times.
Apparently the answer was "F) None of the above," so it was a trick question. Melissa hasn't changed at all. Or rather, she changed for a while because the reason we fell out of touch was because we couldn't relate to each other anymore, but then changed back to her original self. She looks exactly like I remembered, and I suppose I pretty much do to. I feel a little heftier and more weather-beaten than I did back then, but I wonder if your mental perception of someone ages them in your mind automatically so they look like you remember even though they obviosuly look different. I dunno. But we had a good time, mostly just talking about our pets. =)
Poll: How awkward is it going to be meeting up with one of my best friends from high school (also my ex and the girl i had a crush on all through junior high and high school) but haven't spoken to since spring break my freshman year at Tech for coffee tonight?
A) Mildy awkward
B) Quite awkward indeed
C) Extremely awkward
D) Nightmareishly horrendous; what the hell was I thinking when I agreed to this...
E) All of the above at various times.
Apparently the answer was "F) None of the above," so it was a trick question. Melissa hasn't changed at all. Or rather, she changed for a while because the reason we fell out of touch was because we couldn't relate to each other anymore, but then changed back to her original self. She looks exactly like I remembered, and I suppose I pretty much do to. I feel a little heftier and more weather-beaten than I did back then, but I wonder if your mental perception of someone ages them in your mind automatically so they look like you remember even though they obviosuly look different. I dunno. But we had a good time, mostly just talking about our pets. =)