My first cage cleaning all by myself was a complete success! No escapees, no injuries (myself included). Zoey was being kind of anti-social all night and hiding in a tube. She's still eating and drinking fine, but was reluctant to come out of the tube even for a raisin. But after eating her raisin and me taking her tubes away, she reverted right back to her normal self. *shrug* Sonja is such a sweetheart on the other hand. I'm currently hooked on FF: Tactics Advance, so I've starting playing that during exercise time for the girls. They always seem very interested in what I'm doing with it and why it makes noises and shiny pictures. Last night Sonja sat on my shoulder and watched me play for about 10 minutes, then she decided to start gnawing on my CBRs and biting my cheek, and that was the end of that, but it was fun while it lasted. Zoey seems more interested in playing the game herself and will climb onto my hands while I'm playing. Quite cute if I do say so myself. I'm trying to set up a linux box with apache and get my router configured properly to allow it to actually serve up things. Then I'll be setting up a webcam and will actually maybe use it during play time so everyone else can watch what goes on with Zoey and Sonja. =)