I meant to post this last night, but I was so excited at 12:30 that I forgot, and then have been too busy so far today to do it. But anyway, Sonja is learning to use the flying saucer!! It's so cute! Last night she got on it and started walking slowly towards me. As the wheel moved out from under her, she just kept coming. Then with the incentive of a Cheerio, she was soon running at a good clip. Not quite full speed, but certainly running along nicely. I'm so proud. =) Now for the next challenge, getting Zoey to learn. I'm hoping that once Sonja will run all by herself (ie, without me offering a treat, or at the very least my hand), Zoey will catch on. Rewards will of course still be given when they run, it'll just be kisses or scratching instead of treats. Yay for Sonja! Step one of her astronaut training is complete! ;)