I got home from Atlanta safe and sound. The girls were happy to see me and proceeded to climb all over me. My flight come home was overbooked and I was so very tempted to take the bump. It's a free round trip flight any time in the next year, plus a free hjotel and dinner for the night since the next flight out was 8 am this morning. If there had been a later flight, hands down I would have taken a bump. But I'm not all about getting up at 6 am, flying, and then coming into work. But it would have been nice to spend one more night with Emily. Oh well, she'll be here in like 2.5 weeks! =) As it turns out, I should have volunteered to get bumped. It turns out that I ended up sitting next to the smelliest man alive. He smelled, I kid you not, like shit. This is not hyperbole. He smelled like week-old poop. I spent the first 20 minutes on the plane before we even took off gagging. It was horrible. I have been around a lot of Indians, and I have never had anything to complain about in terms of their odor. I know other people will complain, but it's never bothered me. But this guy? A whole new level of offensiveness molesting my olfactory nerves. Anyway... I'm about 2/3 of the way through my book now. I suspect I'll be done by this time next week. Obviously, I have less time to read during the week (I could read during chinny time if they wouldn't eat my book), but definitely next weekend I've got time. Speaking of which, GT is 3-0 right now, and ranked 15. I think we're ranked a little high still since we've beaten two relatively weak opponents. I mean, a win is a win, but some wins are better than others. Especially with Reggie out against UConn, and likely not being able to play against VT, this weekend is going to be a huge game for us. A win here could catapult us through the rest of the season and give us a good shot at going to the ACC championship. But with experienced Reggie out, I'm worried. Yes, Bennet had a good day for his first start. Yes, Choice had a good day backing up PJ. But VT is just a smidgen better than UConn. Our special teams need work big time after Saturday. We do have a pretty stout defense again (thanks Mr. Tenuta!!), and our offense is improving. It should be a good game, and I'm really looking forward to it. But I'm nervous about putting Bennett up against the VT defense. We'll see what happens though.