I had a good weekend. Did basically nothing on Saturday, went to church that night, saw all my friends, some of which I haven't seen in a couple years, so that was nice. The communion wafers made me hungry, so I tried to stop at Wendy's on the way home at 1:15, but the drive thru was already closed. Stayed up and watched CodeBreakers instead. Don't waste your time. Sunday I opened presents from my mom and the Taylors before some pet sitting and christmas (salmon, mmmm) dinner with the Bevers and Hueys. It's alwasy a fun time over there. Bobby (who's pushing 50) is like an 8 year old when it comes to presents. Then I went home and gave the girls their present, which they devoured. I made corn muffins for some reason and then went to bed. Monday kicked my ass big time because I kept putting off everythign I needed to do all weekend. So I ran aroudn like a chicken with my head cut off all day and never did get anything done I meant to do for work. But the good news is that I think I'm ready to leave for Israel tomorrow. Caryn came over for some homemade dessert since I won't be here for her birthday, then I did a few more chores and talked to Emily before finally crashing at 2 am. Now here I am at work with tons to do and no one here. Hopefully I'll get done everyhting I need to do so I won't have to be in panic mode tomorrow morning before I leave. Anyway, that's my brief synopsis, now back to the grind.