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We all knew it was going to happen, right? This is the story I've been waiting for all week. Hordes of people tramping each other, people dying, shootings, just to be the first one to get a PS3. I don't get it at all. I bought my Playstation used around the same time the PS2 came out, and had just as much fun with it as anyone else, until I bought my Gamecube on a massive markdown about a year after its release. Maybe I missed out on a year of video gaming (but not really since I bought all the year old games way cheap too). Um, so what? Is your life really so pathetic that you need to spend days outside in the cold and rain (get a job you filthy hippies!) just so you can pay $600 for a video game console? Especially one that has no good launch titles? And when the XboX360 is readily available with a huge library and the Wii comes out on Sunday with a better selection of content? Also, did I mention you could buy an XboX and a Wii for the same price as a PS3 and one game? Ridiculous. For everyone that didn't die in the pursuit of "happiness," I hope you enjoy the fairweather friends your new console will provide until everyone else gets their own system for Christmas.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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