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I've decided that I suffer from the sleeping disorder known as Cantturnoffmybraininbeditis. If I'm up watching TV or reading or playing video games and I start getting really drowsy, I crawl into bed before I pass out on the couch. And exactly 2 seconds later, instead of falling asleep, my brain starts racing a mile a minute. This makes falling asleep quite difficult and no matter how hard I try or not try, I can't make myself stop thinking. I've tried listening to music, not listening to music (classical, metal, punk, jazz), computer on, computer off, lights off, colored lights on, tv on, tv off. I dunno. There's something wrong with the combination of my bed and my brain that they can't seem to peacefully coexist. Maybe I'll bust out my sleeping bag and spend a few nights on my fouton to see if that helps matters.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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