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Today has not been one of my better days recently. It's kind of sad when the best parts of your day occur at work, even when I had to work late. I mean, it's a huge plus that I like my job and on the whole enjoy being at work. But if my job is good, my life outside the office should be even better. Not today though. I lost my favorite keychain, the green and black one that I made myself. It had my grandmother's hosue key on it, so at least I didn't lose any immediately important keys. But I still really liked that key chain. And then my transmission made some nasty sounds whne I started the car. I'm hoping it's just because of the cold and adding a little extra fluid will take care of it. My brakes suddenly started makign grinding sounds when I slow down. Not squealing, they seemed to have skipped that altogether and went right to metal on metal. And then I noticed my tires are getting pretty worn. And then the CHECK ENGINE light kept flashign at me on teh way to work, adn on teh way home it was on solid. I unhooked my battery to reset teh errors and computer and that seems to have made the light go away for the time being, but I only started up teh engine, I didn't drive anywhere yet afterwards. So it might come back on tomorrow, which would suck. I really don't want to dump all that money into car repairs right before the holidays. I bruised my knee really badly on my desk at work. And I nearly knocked the knew anti-bacterial lotion dispenser (since it's cold/flu season now I guess) off the wall in the bathroom. It's right inside teh door and is teh same color as the wall, what were you thinking? It wasn't ther eyesterday, what did you expect to happen? There's no drugstore near my apartment. There's the CVS at Greenbriar, but that place sucks, they didn't have anything I was looking for. Then at the grocery store there was only one cashier for the regular lanes, and she was slooooow, and then the SKU on my bulk package of kleenex wasn't in the computer, so the price check took forever and all the eopel behind me kept giving me mean looks. I'm sorry for trying to save money you jerks! Anyway, I had some Oreos and milk, and talked to Emily, and took a nice shower, so I'm feeling better now. Hopefully a good night's sleep will complete the process. This weekend doesn't figure to be too exciting, but maybe I can get a lot of work done here at home instead.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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