« Home | Also of note today, Manish is still in Groton, but... » | Big important high level design meetings are aweso... » | I was almost on time for work today (a rarity when... » | At least I'm not the reason GT bit so hard today a... » | Poor Emily is stuck in awful awful traffic because... » | You can tell you've been working on a car when aft... » | And so far today has been fabuous in terms of the ... » | Brake job completed successfully. Total cost - ab... » | Holy Crap!!!! Bucknell over Kansas?!?! My alphab... » | Syracuse losing to Vermont may have hosed my brack... »

I took yesterday off so I could spend some more time with Emily before she left. We slept in late of course and then went to lunch with my friends at Chili's (after some indecision, dic(k)tatorship, and name-calling). Then Emily and I went to Yesterday's Rose in search of some new shirts I could wear to work. I found 3 and a few new records, so it was a good trip. Then we were off to the Dehanases for dinner and had a lot of fun and some fabulous BBQ. They've been family friends since I was maybe 8 or 9, so we go waaaay back and they have some embarassing stories about me that my parents don't know, so Emily got to hear a few new ones. Then this morning we slept in and I made tasty blackberry pancakes. I finally re-bled my brakes (after accidentally ejecting a piston...) and now they feel really good (up to the 30 mph that I've tested them so far). Now we're just sort of vegging out before we meet up with Laura and Greg before going to Emily and Laura's cousin Grahme's baptism tonight (with free food!). Then tomorrow Emily has to head back to school. I'm hoping to go over to Bobby's tomorrow for Easter dinner and to see Tommy and John who are in town.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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