Someone thought it would be a good idea to park their car inside a transformer near my office. You know, after driving into it! At 5:30, the power in the whole building went out. Lights, elevators, computers, door locks, etc. And it was funny because it happened a fraction of a second after Dave slapped the side of a computer cart because he was angry about forgetting to put a change into his code. So there was suddenly a mass exodus from work, which is fine, except that my keys were in my desk in a different closed lab on a different floor behind 3 different doors two of which have electronic locks on them. So it was a matter of luck to catch enough people leaving to get myself back into my own lab and to my desk and then to escape before being the only one left (since then I would be responsible for closing the lab, which couldn't be done until the power came back on). But I had a good day at work otherwise, and it was nice to have an excuse to go home at 5:30 with a clear conscience knowing I couldn't get anymore work done. Hopefully the power will be back on tomorrow though since I really do have a lot to get finished up this week.