Whoopsie daisy: Wake Forest's Paul suspended. I missed this in the game and a foul was never called, but apparently Chris Paul punched Julius Hodge in the groin during a rebound and will be suspended from the first round of play in the ACC tournament on Friday. Wake will be playing the winner of the NC State/Florida State game, which has the potential for a lot of high emotions if they end of playing NC State. Not just because of this event, but because Wake beat them last weekend with a buzz-beater baseline-to-baseline run for a layup by Chris Paul. Ooo! Drama! With Paul out of that game now, that could be trouble for Wake against either team. Should be a good 40 minutes of basketball though, and I'm glad I'll be able to watch it on Friday night. Also fortunate is the fact that I'll still be at work for the GT/VT game on Friday at 2 pm, so the Jackets will actually have a shot at winning. Should be a good weekend of ACC hoops leading into handing out bids to the NCAA tourney on Sunday evening. And then the weekend is over, and I'll only have another week to go before Emily will be here for spring break! =)