Apparently, Sudafed can be used to make methamphetamines, so there's a new active ingredient in Sudaphed PE. I had not been made aware of this before venturing to the store today. On a side note, Safeway finally finished their remodelling and is trying so hard to be Wegman's; it's really just sad. But in my illness-induced stupor, I couldn't figure what the difference between these two drugs were. I of course bought the store brand at half the cost, but the new stuff with phenylphrine is way more expensive than good old pseudoephedrine, and I know my old stuff helps. Perhaps the new stuff works even better, but I'm not really up for trying new things at the moment. I mostly just want to get better quickly using my proven method. Unfortunately, going outside is usually not part of my method, and as such, I am now running a 99.2 degree fever, so I'm going to go lay down for a while with some ice water and a cold washcloth. Yesterday I couldn't get warm enough, today I'm burning up. That means my body is fighting infection. So far it seems to be winning, but I suspect the defenses could crumble at any moment. Hopefully a nap will summon reinforcements.