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The plot thickens! After telling my leasing office that I was moving out, they apparently think I'm a good tenant and want me to stay. I pay my rent on time every month, I never get complained about, nor have I been the complainer (even at the 2 am upstairs vacuumers), and I've only put in once maintanenace request (which I ended up fixing myself...). In any case, they made me a compelling offer, and I'm going to seriously consider it after reading many many horror stories about the place I was planning to move to. It's still more than I want to pay, but it's a lot less than they were initially asking. And for only an additional $220 over the next 8 months, it's definitely cheaper than moving. Now I have to contact the other palce and see if I can get my deposit back. It's been 48 hours, but I don't know if I get 72 or not. Regardless, even losing my deposit, I'm still not sure that $545 in additional expense is really worth uprooting and moving over when I'm just going to be doing it again in March anyway. So, um, never mind the so long and good riddance, at least for now. More details to follow as I will likely make a final decision by the close of business today.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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