It's been a busy week so far, but at least that means it's been going by pretty quickly. The rain stopped just in time before I went looking for blueprints for an ark. The funky chugging noise from my back wheels turned out to be from a loose lug nut jarred out of place by the road construction near the new condos. Emily's parents are in town, so hopefully I'll get to spend some time with them before they leave on Sunday. Ben's got a couple interview lined up, but got in an accident on the way to one of them this morning and now his car is out of commission. Manish's going away lunch yesterday was well-attended. I've gotten into a pretty good run of luck at poker. The last 3 weeks I've played I've gotten first or second place every game. So in total, I think I'm up about $85 this month. I've managed to stop making the one really dumb mistake every game that causes my downfall and I'm getting out of hands when I know I should rather than worrying about the money I've already put into the pot. Obviously, I'm getting a lot of good cards at the right times too, but I'm paying better attention to my poker instincts now, and it seems to be working out. I think it's because I'm playing to place rather than playing to win. So I'm always trying to mitigate losses and outlast someone else until I get into a position to get a payout, then I can afford to be more aggressive and that how I've wound up actually winning (that and lots of good cards at the right times). The girls are doing fine. I've got some new pictures of them to post, so I'll get those up soon. My memory came yesterday (my first set had one bad chip on it, so I RMAed it), so I have to reactivate Windows, which means a phone call to Microsoft (I can't wait). I was getting tired of using my almost 7-year-old laptop as my primary computer anyway. Plus, I haven't been able to play Oblivion in weeks! I think that's about it. Time for lunch!