I had a pretty good weekend. Emily and I had dinner at Brion's with my Mom and Ben on Friday night. Saturday we headed over to Arlington to see Picasso at the Lapin Agile put on by the Keegan Theater. Emily's co-worker was in the play and my cousin Sarah was the assistant director, so we both heard about it from separate sources. It was so good too! Not that I expected anything less of course, what with the people involved and the fact that Steve Martin wrote the original screenplay. I found myself laughing through almost the entire show. I strongly reccomend that everyoen go see it if you have a chance. It runs for two more weeks. Barring that, I suspect that if you check Amazon, there's probably a movie version with Steven Martin in it (as Sagot may as well have been the man himself, and Schmendiman was a spitting image of one of the wild and crazy guys). Afterwards we wandered around Pentagon City Mall and I bought some new clothes with Emily's help. We had dinner at Sine, an Irish pub nearby, and dessert at Maggie Moos, a Coldstone-wannabe that was quite delicious, though run by kids who pay too much for sneakers. No one needs $400 hi-tops. Yesterday I was pretty lazy. Well, not really I guess. I picked up 5 boxes of my stuff at my Mom's house Friday night and yesterday I threw out 3 boxes worth of stuff (mostly papers from high school). So I suppose I actually made a good bit of progress towards Emily letting me live with her since I'm throwing so much away. ;) The Formula 1 race in Hungary wasn't that great. It rained right before, which always throws a monkey wrench into things since not only do you have to change your pit strategy but you have to guess when the track is going to start drying and when to switch tired and you have to stay off the main line if you're still running wet tires. Neither of the championship contenders finished the race, and in fact, of the top 5, only Schumacher's Ferrari teammate Felipe Massa finished, so there's still an 11 point gap between Fernando Alonso and Michael Schumacher and a 2 point gap between the 3 drivers vying for third place. Go Kimi go! He even earned pole position for the race, but didn't finish either. But after the race, Emily came over and made cookies with her new cookie cutters (a moon, a palm tree, a squirrel, and a lobster). Then we watched some more hilarity on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, played with the chinnies and then it was time for bed and the weekend was over. I feel like I got a lot accomplished though and I had a fun time. And it wasn't 800 billion degrees outside. Next weekend I'm off to the beach for a week! Yay for vacation!