Somehow I lost my water bill. I know I opened it and was appaled by how high it was. Perhaps I tore it up in disgust right on the spot, made temporarily insane by rage. More likely, it got misplaced and then thrown out by accident when I was cleaning up other piles of paper. In any case, I can pay it online, so whatever. But here's the kicker. All my bills come with a huge boldface reminded to "pay online - save a stamp!" Since I lost the piece of paper, I have no choice but to pay online, which I did last night, which cost me an extra $2.25 "convenience fee." Yes, that's much better than the 39 cents a stamp costs. In this particular instance, I had few other options, but in the future, I will be sticking to my antiquated stamp-based bill paying methods lest I have to fork over additional funds to save the cost of a stamp, thank you very much.