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I was supposed to meet my parents for lunch on Saturday. I got up at 9:30 and had a bowl of cereal, then decided to crawl back in bed for a little while and all of a sudden it was 3pm. Whoops. Guess I was a little in need of sleep! After fully reviving myself, I watched some football (included a retarded comeback by UGA when Colorado should have had the W) and got myself cleaned up. Emily and I headed down to Dupont to meet up with Laina and Josh for dinner at Raku (my peanut chicken skewers were yummy) and hanging out for a while. We didn't get home until 1 I think, but fortunately, our flag football game wasn't until 12:30 on Sunday. I braved driving downtown and didn't get lost or wrecked or carjacked and didn't drive down any streets the wrong way. I even parallel parked and later managed to get back out without incident. So I drove on a curb a little bit. *shrug* In any case, we had a ton of people show up for our first regular season flag football game, so I didn't personally get a lot of PT, but I feel like I was a valuable contributor when I was on the field (including an intentional penalty which completely threw off the other team). Long story short, we beat FSU 23-15 (I think) and played well as a team. We only gave up one really big play right at the beginning of the game. There were a lot of penalties and the referees were terrible. Our ~1 hour game took nearly two hours and involved an excessive amount of standing around waiting for all the officials to confer and agree. The funniest part of the whole thing is that the UGA refs basically seemed to be on our side most of the time. Not too much else exciting. I updated my rankings to reflect games played during week 4. Tech is moving up in the world, we're up to 33 I think. This weekend when we go to Blacksburg is going to be a huge game for us. If we can win, I think we have a shot at the ACC Championship. If not, we need to get ourselves in gear again right quick before Maryland shows up. I just hope we can come out with a respectable performance and not get annihilated like last year. If the defense can hold for 4 quarters, we have a good chance. Yay football!

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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