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It was fun to see Laura and Greg last night and Emily's green chili was pretty yummy. GT jumped out to an early lead and managed to hold onto it. I thought we might be able to pull off the shutout, but the defense finally yielded in the 4th. We still have a lot of work to do on offense, but things are looking better. I think we have a legitate chance of going 8-4 this year and 6-2 in conference. We still have to play at VT and at Clemson, which (even though I think CLEMSO N is over-rated) will be tough games. We get Miami at home and they seem to be in a slump again this year. Then we close with a tough game at UGA, but the last two years, that game has been closer then in years past, and they're missing a lot of talent from last year, so maybe we have a good shot. As long as the team doesn't look past "easy" wins at UNC, at NC State, or Maryland and Duke at home, I really think we could have a good year. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though, cause sure enough we'll do something like wollop VT, then turn around and get blown out by Maryland. I'm getting all pumped up for tomorrow since I didn't get to watch much football last weekend (other than the flag variety, which is fun too). It feels like fall outside, and there's football on, what more could I want?

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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