I think it might be about time to get my eyes checked. The last few days I've been spending a lot of time working on our 100+ page (each) testing documents in preparation for PVTs in November. So it's been a lot of reading fine print under less-than-ideal lighting conditions and lots of reading on the monitor. True, I spend a a lot of time in front of monitors on any given day, but it's rarely reading pages and pages in info. After I caught myself sitting like 6 inches away from my 19" CRT for the umpteenth time, I began to think that perhaps there's no reason whatsoever to ever be sitting that close to a monitor that big, besides impending blindness. So in truth I can't tell whether my recent headaches have been a result of too much monitor flicker and radiation exposure, or simply too much reading with faulty vision. *sigh* At least I've made it to 25. Most people I know were sporting glasses or contacts by the time they were in high school. It's important to win the small battles. ;)