Thus far, PVTs have gone somewhat better than expected. My birthday wasn't entirely ruined by them at least. I got home last night about 10:30, and much to my surprise, Emily was still awake. Sadly, there was no Robosaurus, strippers, or Bach. There was, however, a very cool Autobot cake that Emily made for me. Thanks baby! =) Plus, I got a lot of birthday wishes from all sorts of people yesterday, so thanks to all those people as well!
My birthday present hasn't arrived yet, but the good news is that Dave gave me the Oblivion expansion pack, so I'll definitely have something to do tomorrow with my day off. Thanks to PVTs, I have to work 9 hours between today and tomorrow, and I'll probably exceed that today alone despite coming in at 11. Which means no work for me tomorrow! Hooray! Also, I'll get to eat lots of my yummy cake tomorrow too. Though I think we're out of milk, so I might need to make a quick trip to the store.