We made it! Are we're still speaking to each other so far. We've both moved out of our respective apartments and into our new apartment. Currently is looks like only slightly less of a disaster area than it did 24 hours ago, but we're making progress. All the animals made the trip with no huge problems, although getting Zoey in her carrier was a bit of a challenge. I'm takign tomorrow off as well because there's just so much that neesd to get done still and so far everything has taken longer than I expected (except, strangely, the actual physical moving). We had a lot of help on Saturday, so even though I'm exhausted and sore, I'm not seriously injured and we're not still moving boxes like we would have been without any help. We've both decided that next time we move we're just going to hire movers. I'll post some pictures once things start to look less like a poorly managed land fill and more like a livable domicile.