« Home | I forgot to take my allergy medicine this morning.... » | Hooray! My birthday present showed up on Saturday... » | Thus far, PVTs have gone somewhat better than expe... » | We had a pretty busy weekend. I think we're final... » | While today is virtually a world-wide day of mourn... » | At this point, it seems petty and pointless for me... » | Happy Friday the 13th! Isn't a bunch of weird stu... » | They restocked the snack machine today and there's... » | Meet Daphne! She's our new three-month-old mosaic... » | So sleepy... »

Yay for free pizza! I love the fact that our program will occasionally spend a couple hundred bucks on somethign that everyone can enjoy. It's not like having a pizza party a couple times a year is going to bankrupt us. Especially when I'm personally responsible for breaking a $10k piece of equipment with my bare hands, though I'm hardly the only one who has done so. Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but we have a Wii in the household and it has a tendency to eat up all my time. No controllers have gone through my TV yet, though there have been some close calls with the coffee table. And at the party at Dave's on Saturday, a couple people did get hit by stray fists of tennis fury (not mine). Turns out however that all this physical activity has left my right arm somewhat sore. *shrug* If I keep doing this, maybe I'll get ripped! In other Wii news, making Miis is too much fun. Emily and I both made avatars for our families (we're hoping that maybe they'll come play someday) that we think is a pretty good representation. It's amazing how much changing something like eyebrows can alter the perceived mood. Anyway, as soon as I figure out how to get them off my Wii and onto my computer, I'll happily post what we all look like in a digitized world. Daphne moved into the guest bedroom with Sonja and Zoey. I'm not really sure what they think of each other yet. They haven't had any playtime together yet, but that should be interesting. I'm really not at all sure what to expect. Our hope is that they will all eventually occupy a single cage peacefully. Daphne's still basically a baby, and the other two have mellowed a lot (most of the time), so it certainly seems feasible that they'd get along. We'll see I suppose.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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