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Craigslist provides an important service, but damn does it make me angry sometimes. It's not really the website's fault, but the people on it just make me want to punch them sometimes. Just because something says OBO doesn't really give you carte blanche to offer whatever you want. If I listed something for $250 OBO, chances are pretty good that I'm not going to sell it to you for $35. Certainly half the emails I receive are bogus to begin with, and half of the valid ones never return your emails. Eventually I manage to sell the things I'm trying to get rid of, but it's cvertinaly not without its share of hassles. I use Cragislist to avoid having to box things up and take them to the post office (like I probably would using eBay), but I'm about ready to just go back to using a more binding service (like eBay) again.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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