It was a pretty good weekend all around. Saturday we went to the Kiwk-E-Mart in the ghetto on our way to Camden Yards. Why you would put a KEM in Bladensburg, MD and not Springfield, VA is beyond me. All I know is that the community around the former 7-Eleven has certainly never seen so many rich white people in their neighborhood before. But the store was fun, and unlike Apu, we didn't get shot. Besides KEM smocks and character cutouts, there were also some good jokes around, like Jasper the Freezer Geezer and the reminder on the bakery case that candies are not sprinkles. Anyway, here's some pictures from KEM (there's some other I put up on Facebook):

After the Kiwk-E-Mart it was up to Baltimore to see the Yankees take on the O's. Because I'm dumb, I got us seats on the 3rd base side in the Yankees section. We had some other Orioles fans around us, and even the Yankee fans around us were pretty well behaved. Except the two kids in front of us. One of whom had Jeter shirt on and I swear spent the entire game cooing to Mr. Jeter about how great he was. I think this kid (he was probably 19) would have made Derek's every fantasy come true if given half the chance. Terrifying. But at least Jeter only got on base once and A-Rod never did and was charged with an error. Even Clemens didn't look that great. By comparison, the Orioles starting pitcher, who was demoted to AAA earlier this year and then brought back up after an injury to another player, looked awesome for all 6 innings he pitched. The relief and closers were awful and allowed what shoudl have been a 7-1 game to become a 7-5 game. But whatever, the home team won, and we had a good time. Really, nothing makes me happier than seeing a team I hate lose and do it in a completely undignified manner.

Then on Sunday I went to church for the handbell reunion and ASP reunion, which was really nice. Although it was sort of sad to see Olen ringing the big bells without Andy at his side. But to see 7 octaves of bells take up the whole church and see all the kids up there was great, and a real testament to Nancy. The ASP lunch was fun too, and it was nice to catch up with some people I haven't seen in a long time. People are going back to school for their Masters degrees, people are changing careers, people are having kids, buying houses, getting married, finding the love of their lives, and so forth. It's awesome to hear that someone is really happy with their life when you haven't seen them in a long time. And of course, I had a few of these conversations:
"I heard somewhere you were getting married, that's not true is it?"
"Yes indeed I am, in March, we'll have been dating 4 years in August, we met at school."
"Wow. You? Married? That's just bizarre. I mean, I'm really happy for you, just, I dunno, surprised I guess."
"It's okay, I get that a lot. Did you hear I work for a defense contractor?"
Good times! =)
After the Kiwk-E-Mart it was up to Baltimore to see the Yankees take on the O's. Because I'm dumb, I got us seats on the 3rd base side in the Yankees section. We had some other Orioles fans around us, and even the Yankee fans around us were pretty well behaved. Except the two kids in front of us. One of whom had Jeter shirt on and I swear spent the entire game cooing to Mr. Jeter about how great he was. I think this kid (he was probably 19) would have made Derek's every fantasy come true if given half the chance. Terrifying. But at least Jeter only got on base once and A-Rod never did and was charged with an error. Even Clemens didn't look that great. By comparison, the Orioles starting pitcher, who was demoted to AAA earlier this year and then brought back up after an injury to another player, looked awesome for all 6 innings he pitched. The relief and closers were awful and allowed what shoudl have been a 7-1 game to become a 7-5 game. But whatever, the home team won, and we had a good time. Really, nothing makes me happier than seeing a team I hate lose and do it in a completely undignified manner.
Then on Sunday I went to church for the handbell reunion and ASP reunion, which was really nice. Although it was sort of sad to see Olen ringing the big bells without Andy at his side. But to see 7 octaves of bells take up the whole church and see all the kids up there was great, and a real testament to Nancy. The ASP lunch was fun too, and it was nice to catch up with some people I haven't seen in a long time. People are going back to school for their Masters degrees, people are changing careers, people are having kids, buying houses, getting married, finding the love of their lives, and so forth. It's awesome to hear that someone is really happy with their life when you haven't seen them in a long time. And of course, I had a few of these conversations:
"I heard somewhere you were getting married, that's not true is it?"
"Yes indeed I am, in March, we'll have been dating 4 years in August, we met at school."
"Wow. You? Married? That's just bizarre. I mean, I'm really happy for you, just, I dunno, surprised I guess."
"It's okay, I get that a lot. Did you hear I work for a defense contractor?"
Good times! =)