For those of you with any interest in NCAA football, you may want to head over to Chaos Rankings, since the preseason rankings are finally posted. Also, I'm trying to get an actual website set up in the near future that will host the blog, as well as all the past weeks of rankings in an easy to read/navigate format. More on that when/if it actually comes together.
In other sports news, we had our first flag football "practice" yesterday, consisting of a scrimmage against one of the better teams in our league. I think we won, but I'm not sure if that's a good indication of any sort of future success or not. I guess we'll see. I did get pretty winded towards the end of the game, but otherwise I felt pretty good. Today, of course, I'm pretty stiff, but nothing that some stretching later won't help out. At least I didn't mess up my ankle like one of the guys on our team did.
In other sports news, we had our first flag football "practice" yesterday, consisting of a scrimmage against one of the better teams in our league. I think we won, but I'm not sure if that's a good indication of any sort of future success or not. I guess we'll see. I did get pretty winded towards the end of the game, but otherwise I felt pretty good. Today, of course, I'm pretty stiff, but nothing that some stretching later won't help out. At least I didn't mess up my ankle like one of the guys on our team did.