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Last weekend, while Emily was taking an extended long weekend to visit her parents in Savannah and St. Simon's, I took an overnight trip with my family and a family friend up to the Shennandoah. Despite some iffy-looking weather, we never got rained on or overheated. I had a great time, and it was nice to get some fresh air, exercise, and a change of scene. We had a great cookout, took a hike up Stony Man where we saw the peregrine falcon nesting areas, and did a good section of the White Oak Canyon trail, which is still one of the nicest hikes anywhere. My camera came along for the ride time time, so here's a few pictures.

We had a few dinner-time visitors, including deer who were obviously (sadly) used to beign fed by humans. They walked right up to our porch and practically begged like dogs. It was cute, but sad, though I suspect we probably could have pet them had we been so inclined.

Jiminy Cricket!

This is the scene that greeted me when I walked out onto the porch at Skyland to enjoy my breakfast. Hard to beat that view to start your day.

Manly men, ready for a hike!

No, it's not dead, it's sunning itself, or at least it was until we showed up, accidentally blocked out its sun beam, and started snapping pictures. He fluttered away shortly thereafter to find a more private spot. There were a ton of butterflies around too, this one just proved to be the most cooperative.

And finally, a shot of the stream that the White Oak Canyon follows down to the falls, meandering through the forest.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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