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Today I liberated my Playstation from storage, so I'm all set to tear into Chrono Cross again. Yay! I also swung by my old apartment to drop off a check for our final water bill and I figured since I was in the area, I'd drop by Best Buy as well. Sadly, they didn't have the new Mega Man collection because I'm dumb and tomorrow's the 22nd, not today. I did have an experience though. I was walking through the CD aisle and there was a guy looking through some CDs about 10 feet ahead of me. So I started to walk around behind him and he turns around right as I get there so I end up walking in front of him. I turn the corner and see the Throwdown CD I've been searching for, so I go to pick it up and this guy gets all in my face about how you should say "excuse me" when you walk in front of someone. For being so concerned about manners, he seemed to have no qualms about being so pugnacious and practically spitting in my face. I realized explaining that it was an accident that he turned around as I was walking behind him would have accomplished nothing except extending the amount of time I had to put up with this guy, and possibly provoked an all-out brawl, so I just apologized. The guy then turns around and smacks right into this poor girl who's looking at a Britney Spears CD. Doesn't apologize for running into her, just keeps on going. What the hell?? Some people are retarded. Like anyone driving an automobile when it starts raining here. Using extra caution does not mean driving 30 mph in the left lane when it's drizzling. It means leaving an extra car length or two between you and the next car and not swerving in and out of your lane like a maniac. They really need to make driver's licenses harder to get and require a lot more training. Anyway, I also changed my oil today (it's nice to have a garage for a change) and left a message for Mr. Casipit.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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