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In vaguely-sports-related news, Jeremy and his wife came back from their vacation to Vegas last week. He was telling me the other day about a palce out there where you can rent a Ferrari for something like $300 a day. I would pay $300 for 24 hours in the Nevada desert with a Ferrari. Easy. Curiosity got the best of me eventually, so I checked into that kind of thing in this area. I don't have that kind of money just laying around for even a half-weekday. *sigh* Also, you only get the first 100 miles for free, then each mile is extra. Plus there's a hefty security deposit, and you have to be 25 and have a clean driving record and uber-coverage on your insurance. Still... I don't know what kind of nonsense Jeremy was talking about in Vegas, but if I ever get out there, rest assured, I will be going in search of a $300 Ferarri. In my searching however, I did turn up something more in my affordability range. I'm giving serious thought (okay, not really) about next time we visit Emily's parents, I'll be flying and getting met at the airport in my very own (for the day) Lotus. Mmmm... This whole conversation was spurred by the fact that I have a Porsche Carerra GT as my desktop wallpaper in my office. It's fun to dream at least... There are a couple other places in other cities I found that rent Lamborghinis, Bentleys, Vipers, Porsches, 'Vettes, Ford GTs, etc. Maybe if I win the lottery that I don't play.

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  • I'm Rev. Adam
  • From Oakton, Virginia, United States
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