Nothing beats having 2 Take 5s, some Jelly Bellys, and a Diet Dr. Pepper for lunch. Everyone else went to Red Robin. Not me though. I have too much work to do today. Also, my car's in the shop, again, for the same reason. The manager there seems really gruff and obstinate. I can't wait until we get in a fight over how I'm not going to be paying them to fix the same problem twice when they didn't fix it the first time, not to mention the inconvenience of not having my car for (so far) 3 days of the last 11. At least Emily doesn't take her car to work, so I've been able to borrow it, which I really appreciate, but hate having to do because it's just such an inconvenience to her. My car had better in as good shape as teh day it rolled off the assmebly line when I get it back. If not, I'm going straight to the corporate office (by bus) and demanding not only a full refund of what I've paid so far, but also for them to pay someone else more competent to fix it, and for a loaner car. Sigh. Okay, my 10 minutes lunch break is over, time to get back to working my ass off. I think I might just take tomorrow off the way things have been going for me this week.